Dazed and confused…

Have you ever suffered with a migraine?

I don’t mean a really bad headache, I mean migraine. It’s very difficult to explain or describe to someone who hasn’t.

I was struck down yesterday morning around 6am with my latest migraine. I’d only been awake half an hour and I knew it was coming. I tried to ignore it, which I’d course is impossible, but I really, really didn’t want one.

Of course, no one ever wants a migraine, but you can still wish.

There are many different types of migraine, also. With many different symptoms. The Mother has symptoms where all she does is throw up, even at the tiniest sip of water. I’m not usually like that, thank goodness.

I very rarely (I thank the lord) get scintillating scotoma migraine. That is horrible and quite scary if you don’t know what’s happening. (I won’t go to much into that as I’m still fuzzy from my current episode).

This one was not bad. I was in pain all day until around 9pm when it finally wore off. I had a dodgy stomach, shall we say, early on til around lunchtime. Thankfully that wore off so I could lie down. Sloshing water down me as often as I could, which is good, but then led me to needing to pee every five minutes. (Maybe not quite that often!) As soon as I got up, it felt like my brain was trying to escape from my skull by bouncing around like a giant pinball, desperate for freedom.

The one thing that I do find, no matter which sort or what duration, is that the day after it’s over, I feel like I’ve been hit by several trucks. Carrying breeze blocks. I’m exhausted and feel like I can’t even pick up a pencil, and I have a fuzzy spot in one eye.

Then there’s the brain fog. Don’t ask me the simplest of questions, because the words are not there. Well, they might be there, but they are well and truly hidden.

Apart from these few ramblings here that I’ve managed to waffle out, of course.

Which has honestly worn my brain out.

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